Row for the Ocean – 3,000 mile row against single use plastic

5 min read

Zeff is proud to be an Affiliate Partner of ROW FOR THE OCEAN: a 3,000 mile row across the Atlantic ocean by 4 committed young ladies on a mission to raise money and awareness for the ocean plastic crisis.

The Mission

We are Row For The Ocean – founded by Ros, Kirsty, Laura and Kate, we were brought together by a passion for adventure and rowing. In December 2018 we are taking on 3000 miles of the Atlantic in order to raise awareness of the ocean plastics crisis, and through our work with Surfers Against Sewage, create a Plastic Free Exeter by 2020. Working with SAS and their Ocean Schools Programme we also want to inspire and engage young people, helping SAS to provide them with the education and opportunities to become innovators of the future and stewards of the environment.

The Vision

Our vision is simple, we see Exeter as a Plastic Free Coastline Community by 2020; and us winning the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge to ensure we get the most coverage possible for our cause.

Our values

We have 3 key values that will guide us during the challenge:

TO BE UNITED: Luckily we don’t have to go down with the ship! In the hard times we’ll stick together and find a solution, or in the case of a sinking, until help comes!

TO BE RESILIENT: We want to find out what our bodies can really do. We have tailored our training to be adaptable in any situation- a useful life tool too!

TO INSPIRE CHANGE: We want to leave a legacy. Inspiring individuals, schools, Exeter Council and local businesses to change how they think about plastics.

The Race – What lies ahead

As part of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, we’ll be one of thirty boats attempting to cross the Atlantic in December 2018. We aim to be the fastest women. With no sail or motor, it’ll be up to us to get across safely and quickly. Here’s what we’ll face…

SLEEP DEPRIVATION AND EXHAUSTION: Rowing 24/7, non-stop, in a 2 hours on, 2 hours off shift patterns for 3,000 miles. We will also be rowing in the night, through the darkness.

ISOLATION: There’s no outside help. We take everything we need on board the boat for the full crossing.
In an emergency situation, a rescue can be days away.

EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS: We will experience 30-40 ft waves, storms and an extreme range of temperatures.

VULNERABILITY: Whales and sharks, and rowing through shipping lanes for vessels 30x the size of our rowing boat.

HEALTH ISSUES: Salt sores, blisters, infections, muscle damage and depletion and sunstoke are just a few of things we will suffer from.

NUTRITION: All food is freeze dried and our water is pumped from the sea. Keeping nutrition levels high and our bodies fully hydrated will be a challenge in itself.

THE BOAT AND EQUIPMENT: Any boat damage is dealt with by us – at sea – in the aforementioned 30-40ft waves!